
Trood Morrison
Apr 21, 20235 min read
let that sh*t go
There are many things that bring a smile to my face ~ a cat chasing its tail, a bumble bee bumping dusty shins against an early blossom,...

Trood Morrison
Sep 10, 20225 min read
morton's toe. it's all greek.
Oh, God. *deep breath* This isn't one of your posts hinting at a classical education which actually began and ended with a detention in...
1 comment

Trood Morrison
Dec 31, 20216 min read
taking the pretty way round.
Today, I thought I'd take the pretty way round to getting to the point. With nothing to do other than sweeping up pine needles, I can be...

Trood Morrison
Dec 17, 20216 min read
preying for god.
Owl sniffed. "I'll say nothing other than a cockerel was involved. Three times to do the right thing and keep its bloody mouth shut, but no.

Trood Morrison
Dec 31, 20204 min read
big knickers, thinking small.
This is the time of year, remember, when we're fragile enough to eat the Strawberry Delights left orphaned at the bottom of a tin of Quality

Trudy Morrison
Dec 31, 20194 min read
step into 2020 as a cult leader!
Now, I know what you're thinking - New Year, new me. And what better way to start 2020 than setting up as a guru or spiritual leader....

Trudy Morrison
Jan 19, 20181 min read
Are YOU cool enough to do yoga? Take this quiz!
You've gasped at the gravity-defying poses and flows. You've envied the swish of impossibly high pony tails. You've salivated over the...

Trudy Morrison
Jan 12, 20182 min read
The authenticity fraud.
In reality ~ remember, this is why we're all here, folks ~ I'm sarcastic, impatient, and hold dark thoughts towards caravaners, back

Trudy Morrison
Nov 23, 20164 min read
How to keep your yoga fire burning through the winter months.
From the moment the clock moves back, yoga class attendance begins to fall until January brings new resolve. It becomes harder for us to...