Trood Morrison
- Dec 30, 2023
- 7 min
go within, not without.
Therefore, an absolute balls to "New Year, New You" January. If you want to do the weight-loss thing, I'd hold fire until after Easter.
Trood Morrison
- Jan 3, 2023
- 7 min
à la goblin mode.
The first blog post of a squalling New Year and I decide to work in the coffee shop across the road, an establishment designed in so...
Trood Morrison
- Dec 31, 2021
- 6 min
taking the pretty way round.
Today, I thought I'd take the pretty way round to getting to the point. With nothing to do other than sweeping up pine needles, I can be...
Trood Morrison
- Dec 31, 2020
- 4 min
big knickers, thinking small.
This is the time of year, remember, when we're fragile enough to eat the Strawberry Delights left orphaned at the bottom of a tin of Quality